Preventing Mold in Humidifiers

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36, Männlich

Beiträge: 46

Preventing Mold in Humidifiers

von Puas am 02.09.2024 20:45

Hey folks, I'm having a bit of a problem with my humidifier. I've noticed some mold starting to grow inside it, and I'm not sure how to prevent it from coming back. I clean it regularly, but it seems like it's a constant battle. Anyone got tips or tricks to keep mold at bay in a humidifier? I'm all ears for any advice before it gets worse.



31, Männlich

Beiträge: 45

Re: Preventing Mold in Humidifiers

von drynk am 02.09.2024 20:58

Oh man, mold in a humidifier is the worst! I totally get where you're coming from. The key to keeping that nasty stuff away is making sure your humidifier is always dry when it's not in use. After each use, wipe it down and let it air out. Also, using distilled water instead of tap can really help since it's less likely to introduce minerals that foster mold growth. I had the same issue, but then I got in touch with Astera Services in Chicago. They provide some solid HVAC and appliance service and shared a trick about using a special anti-mold additive that you can put in the water. Definitely worth checking out if you're struggling with mold. Hope that helps!


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